Schwarzer Engel
Was fuer ein Engel bist Du?
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Ja eigentlich bin ich ja gar kein Engel und das Ergebniss ist mal wieder alles andere als überraschend ;-) Aber egal, ich find das Bild schick (wobei die anderen auch net so übel sind).

You have mysterious wings.
Not very many people understand you,
as you have a very complex soul. You have
some friends, but you trust very few of them.
PLus you don't open up to very many people,
and stay to yourself alot of the times.
Your wings give off an artist side for you,
even if you say that you dont have one. But you
seem to have your own style to your things...
What kind of wings does your soul have?
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lostsoul am 31. August 2005 im Topic 'Seelenquiz' | 0 Kommentare
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